Monday, December 3, 2018

Blog Assignment 7

There are very few good reasons that marijuana should not be made legal on the federal level in the United States. The positives of this action far outweigh the negatives. Marijuana legalization is an opportunity that we have missed before but we can't pass it up this time.
If the U.S. Government were to legalize marijuana, it would create another product for them to tax and it boosts the economy. The marijuana market is worth several billion dollars that is currently not being taxed because the trade is illegal. Taxing it would create a large revenue stream for the national government.
There are many things worse than marijuana that are already legal. For years, corner stores have been selling alcohol and cigarettes to local consumers. Both of these products are much more harmful than marijuana but are both legal. That means that there is no reason for it to be illegal since there are much worse things that are legal.

1 comment:

Lougain Al-Hakim said...

The aspects of Marijuana that my colleague Charlie Gillian's referring to within his blog is very complex, many have a different set of opinions, which makes it very controversial, I personally have to agree on the legalization of marijuana, many individuals are unaware of the benefits of marijuana. Many decide to surpass the idea of legalization. I've experienced marijuana being used first hand by many individuals including some very close friends and family. A cousin of mine who has been diagnosed with many different forms of cancer over the course of many years, Has turned over to marijuana to help with coping with the effects of chemotherapy. Not only has it helped him drastically. Marijuana has helped him after 7 different surgeries to be able to cut out all medications he has been prescribed out of his life entirely. Matter of fact, Through the withdrawal process he states it absolutely wouldn't have been possible without the medicinal use of different forms of marijuana. As of now there is no possible evidence showing it may help adhere cancer. In my personal beliefs it has done plenty to be able to stay strong throughout the fighting process. As of now, he is considered a survivor.