Friday, October 5, 2018

Criticizing Criticism

In the world today there is a lot of controversy over women’s rights and how they are treated in the court system. CNN posted an article by Diane L. Rosenfeld on Saturday September 29th about her opinion on the issue. The article was meant for people who already have some sort of previous knowledge about Kavanaugh's Supreme Court nomination and the controversy surrounding it. Since it is on CNN, a typically liberal new network, many of the viewers of this article are biased that way. Her stance is that women are not heard in the court system and are not taken as seriously as men are. She uses the Supreme Court case of Town of Castle Rock V. Gonzales in which a women contacted police and was disregarded even though it was a serious issue. This piece of evidence was used very well to strengthen her argument by showing how women are not able to take these sort of cases to the federal level. The argument is very logical to the audience that it is meant for. The logic in this argument is showing how wrong it is to discriminate against certain people just because of their gender. It always seems more logical for the legal system to one hundred percent fair and not have any prejudice within the law. The author, Diane L. Rosenfeld, is very credible. She is a lecturer at the prestigious Harvard Law School which demonstrates her expertise in this field. Although she is very qualified to write this article, her unconscious bias has to be taken into consideration. Since she is a women, her unconscious bias tends to favor women over men. This does not mean to disregard this article, as unconscious bias is not a huge factor. Overall, it was a well written article by a credible author that uses strong evidence to support her case.